jueves, noviembre 27, 2008


I don't know why but is easier for me to write in english. I mean, somethings like feelings. Again, I don't know why.

This evening I was writing something about love. Something about believing, staying or leaving. It's ironic but all three things leads to the same goal and I bet, in the same way.

I think love is want to stay even if nobody ask you to. I believe in all things that I don't know why I do them. Things that I process... not so much. I believe in love.

Love trasform himself, yourself, everything around for good or for bad. Love doesn't stay still. Love grows or stop. Love feeds you or drains you. Love is love.

I realised that I'm a different person when I'm in love than when I'm not. I'm always happy but in love I'm cheerful. I do crazy things. I'm braver. I'm smarter. I glow.

Life's perspective changes when you're with someone you love. Past lovers fall down a hill and remembers got erased like magic. Nothing hurts unless you're far away from your soulmate. You got something to think in. Something to believe in. Something to thank. Something to dream. You become a composer and sings all day long.

Love... makes me smile. Makes me breath weaker. Love is this stupid-dreaming-cow face I have. I like my stupid face. I like cows. I like love.

I love you.


Hoy aprendí que no dejas ir las cosas, nunca, de pronto te volteas y resulta que ya se fueron, y dejó de doler quien sabe cómo. La consecuencia es un sonrisa que hay que cuidar. Porque la felicidad son 3 segundos de descuido. Asi que ha seguir haciendo las cosas como he dicho: sin pensar.