La pareja catalogada como “la más querida” entre el público de WB capta el interés del televidente por algo más que morboso, diferente. Ned, puede revivir a la gente por un minuto solamente tocándola, y antes que termine el minuto si la vuelve a tocar queda muerta para siempre. Si se pasa el minuto alguien cercano al area muere, por cuestión de equilibrio y orden del caos, así que tiene que cuidar muy bien de tocar y retocar en el lapso decidido. Nuestro revivemuertos, revive a una vieja amiga de la infancia, y a costa de la vida del funerario la deja quedarse en este mundo más allá del minuto, pero claro, para que esto perdure, no podrá volver a tocarla. Y bien, el revivemuertos y la muertaviviente (literal) están enamorados, muy, y no se pueden ni podrán tocar jamás o ella morirá de nuevo y para siempre. Esto crea muchas posibilidades para una buena trama.
Que espantosa me quedó la reseña, pero ni modo, a veces las paredes del cubículo no inspiran. Y “a lo que te truje chencha” aquí van mis quotes favoritos que han logrado sentarme cada jueves frente al televisor.
Olive: Can I ask you a question? If you loved me...
Alfredo: Yes?
Olive: And we could never, ever, ever touch. Wouldn't you eventually get over it and move on letting someone else have the slightest hope that you might move on to them?
Alfredo: If I loved you?
Olive: Yeah.
Alfredo: Then I would love you in any way I could. And if we could not touch, then I would draw strength from your beauty. And if I went blind, then I would fill my soul with the sound of your voice and the contents of your thoughts until the last spark of my love for you lit the shabby darkness of my dying mind.
Olive: Eh, forget it.
Olive: Wouldn't it just rock and roll if liking someone meant they had to like you back? Of course that'd be a different universe and something else would probably suck.
Alfredo: You seem decidedly unhappy.
Olive: I haven't decided that!
Ned: But do you hate me?
Chuck: I have to hate you a little, just for a little while. But I can’t do that if you stay
Chuck: I have to hate you a little, just for a little while. But I can’t do that if you stay
Ned: I don’t want you to hate me, I’ll stay.
Chuck: If you stay, I’ll just end up hating you more. Just go.
Emerson: The relationship between a father and his daughter is tenuous. It's very fragile. It could take a life time to sort out all the issues there. And what you think? You can just all "happily ever after" after just one minute? Man, you a dreamer.
Narrator: The mere sight of each other left the Pie Maker and the girl named Chuck feeling exactly like they wanted to feel: safe and warm and loved.
Emerson: Someone in love is like a gangsta. They be like, “Oh baby, you bleeding. How did that happen?” while they're hiding the razor in their weave.
Ned: You're the only one for me.
Chuck: I know you feel that now, but there are things you want, there's things we both want.
Chuck: I know you feel that now, but there are things you want, there's things we both want.
Ned: So? Everyone wants stuff. We wake up everyday with a list of wishes a mile long and maybe we spend our lives trying to make those wishes come true, but just because we want them doesn't mean we need them to be happy.
Chuck: What do you need to be happy?
Ned: You.
Emerson: You can't die of evilness.
Chuck: Happens all the time you do something mean or hurtful to someone like tell a secret... Bang! You're dead.
Olive: Or Bang! You're not really dead you're just pretending to be dead while other people who think you're dead are heartbroken.
Emerson: Or Bang! You talk too much and you both go wait in the car.
Narrator: As the piemaker started off he realized that, for the first time in his life, he missed something more than his past. He missed his present.
Ned: Why are you still talking?
Emerson: I'm rippin' off the Bandaid!
Ned: I'm not a ripper, I pull up a corner a little at a time and then run it under warm water and I pull it up a little more. It's a process.
Ned: Of course you did. Everything we do is a choice: oatmeal or cereal, highway or side street, kiss her or keep her. We make choices and we live with the consequences. If someone gets hurt along the way we ask for forgiveness. It's the best anyone can do.
Chuck: I was having conversations with myself.
Ned: What did you guys talk about?
Emerson: Future Me is saying 'I told you so' all upside your head... but Now Me is standing here quietly.
Ned: What's great about knowing? When you lift up a rock, do you find whipped cream? No, you find bugs. I say "no" to knowing.
Ned: This is pushing your luck.
Chuck: Yeah, well, luck pushed me first.
Ned: I just thought my world would be a better place if you were in it.
Ned: I just thought my world would be a better place if you were in it.
Ned: I wish I could give you an emotional heimlich so you could cough up that fear and anxiety, but I can't.

Chuck: I can't even hug you? What if you need a hug? A hug can turn your day around.
Ned: I'm not a fan of the hug.
Chuck: Then you haven't been hugged properly. It's like an emotional Heimlich. Someone puts their arms around you and they give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety come shooting out of your mouth in a big wet wad and you can breath again.
Ned: That's fine for someone else to do if I'm choking on something other than emotion, but you can't touch me.
Chuck: So a kiss is out of the question?
Ned: I've lost my train of thoughts.
Chuck: (After Ned falls asleep) I'd kiss you if it wouldn't kill me.
Ahora que recuerdo yo no veía televisión, no me gustaba. And then the world turned!
Ahora que recuerdo yo no veía televisión, no me gustaba. And then the world turned!
3 comentarios:
mmm, yo tampoco veo mucha televisión, aunque confieso haber visto unos cuantos programas completos del dr house (el tipo me recuerda a alguien jajaja). Buenos dialogos los que has elegido, a ver si luego -cuando se alineen los planetas- me doy un chance para ver algo de esa serie.
Fijate que he visto los anuncios y me llama mucho la atención por eso de que no se pueden tocar... pero no entendía por qué hasta ahora que te leo.
Me atraen también por los colores y el arte, ¿se dice así?, bueno, el diseño.
Muy pero muy buenos dialogos, la mejor serie que e visto en mi vida, es graciosa y oscura a la vez y muy pero muy romantica y los dialogos son inmejorables, lastima que la cancelaron en la segunda temporada, y por mas que se han hecho los fans en estados unidos parece ser que no han logrado que la renueven, es una total pena que esto pase a una serie tan original, si quieren tratar de salvarla firmen la peticion online ojala logremos salvarla n oquiero perderla a solo 22 capitulos
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