I am no more than a desktop virtual revolutionary. I do not take a back pack and go away to combat crime or activities I am not agree with. Neither I complain about it on social networks since I have always thought that if your problem has a solution you go for it, but if not, grow a pair and don’t complain. With that said, I am here, writing behind my screen with zero risk of damage or harm only thinking this time I HAVE TO.
When you became president of USA I thought it was a joke, but then I realized it wasn’t funny at all. Then I thought you were a clown, but again they are funny, and you are far away from being so. If I think in IT maybe my thoughts could be closer to be right. After some time, I thought you were an animal, but you have proved that wildlife has more sensitivity than you have, so I was wrong again. Then I stated that you were a mistake, but mistakes are human, and you just proved you are not even that minimum. So, I realized you are the most you hate: You are an alien. You are an outsider. You are not an American citizen, nor human, nor a man. An American citizen has brains, heart and patriotic rights and thoughts. You have none of this. Someone with brains doesn’t put everyone around him against him, someone with heart doesn’t use civil and human rights as toilet paper, someone patriotic doesn’t run his country direct to a precipice and someone with patriotic thoughts couldn’t transform his country in a joke exposing their citizens to xenophobia. You are out of this world. Nothing in this world is likely, exists or lives like you do. You are the prove that God exists, but he hates us. And he hates us bad.
Since your “work” consist in twittering and land the most terrible initiatives, I wrote here thinking you will read this in all your spare time and will get some fun replying in your favorite social network. It most likely not gets to you nor anyone that could do something productive, but God I had to say it. Well, not God, I am pissed off with it right now. Letting you born and live… what was it thinking?
Separating families and forcing toddlers to live and grow far from his parents because of your ridiculous control freak illness is the top of your stupidity -if in your world exists that term. It only brings me back to older times such as Cold War, Spanish civil war, World War II, even secession war. It scares the crap out of me because my family was early broken in middle 1900s because of war and I remember how hard it was for my grandparents to get through this. Even though they are the most amazing nicest person I have ever met their story was so heart breaking that tons of books have been written about it and it chases me through today. After 3 generations, I still think what I would do if something likely happens to me. If I could give up my children to save them. They cry every time I have to travel for work. Imagine if they must be forced to separate from us because an alien thinks it is the best for HIM.
You, stupid hypocrite alien. Build your damn wall with your bad earned money and close the fucking chapter for good. Build a wall all around USA (America is a continent you asshole). Close the country to Canada, to Mexico to the sea and make an isle of USA. Withdraw your participation from any organization. Sweep off the country with you inside and stop fucking with everybody. It will be sad to let go such great people there, but they will be wise and run away before your lack of vision, brain and mental stability blows up the territory. Please do so and do it quickly. There is enough suffering in the world to be adding more because of “someone” who is not even from this planet! Do it as always for yourself, if you don’t I am pretty sure someone will blow your brains out. You have no idea how many people you are pissing off with all your insanity. As you are sadly idiot, you must not know the say: never leave someone without an exit or he will grow claws. May the claws chase you. May the universe conspire to return you to your planet of the tr’apes.